
We seek to innovate more and more, so that our customers can enjoy all our structure, technologies and exclusive raw materials.
Microencapsulated fragrances, developed by polymerization process. When used in fabric softeners, the polymers have synergy with the fabric fiber, resulting in long-lasting fragrances. Already in scented cleaners, they prolong the duration of fragrances in the environment.
We associate the richest plant components with Macadamia, resulting in Bioactives with synergistic properties to be used on skin and hair. There are 4 bioactives in our portfolio: PhytoSeed® Regen, PhytoSeed® Hydra, PhytoSeed® Nutrier and PhytoSeed® Antiox. Each of them has properties that can be highlighted in various skin and hair products.
We have a large palette with the purest essential oils. We create fragrances with Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Eucalyptus Globules, Bigaradea Orange, Vetiver, among others. The ideal ingredients to enchant and transmit different aromatherapy sensations to all customers.